Other Works

Factory On Fire: Cocheco Mill Blaze of 1907

Mark Leno Jr. & Thom Hindle 

This vivid and comprehensive narrative of the January 1907 fire which ravaged the Cocheco Manufacturing Company's Mill #1 in Dover, NH has long needed to be written. The days-long blaze on Washington Street was a most significant event in early 20th Century Dover, but it also happened contemporaneously with two national trends: the rising power of the American worker and the unprecedented decline of the northern textile industry. Taken together, these economic and societal changes, along with financial repercussions from the fire, sounded the early death knell for cotton manufacturing in Dover.  

Thom Hindle, left, and Mark Leno display with their book, "Factory On Fire," along with a photo which appears in the book. [Shawn St. Hilaire/Fosters.com] Fosters Daily Democrat.
Thom Hindle, left, and Mark Leno display with their book, "Factory On Fire," along with a photo which appears in the book. [Shawn St. Hilaire/Fosters.com] Fosters Daily Democrat.
Dover Public Library
Dover Public Library
Fosters Daily Democrat
Fosters Daily Democrat

In The Press

I Love This Place: Joseph Stickney, his Mount Washington Hotel and the Rise of Tourism in the White Mountains of New Hampshire
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